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    30 September 2014, Volume 36 Issue 3
    MA Jin, GUO Yan-shuang
    2014, 36(3):  547-561.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.001
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    Identification of short-term and impending precursors, including the signal indicating earthquakes are inevitable, is one of focused issues in research of earthquake prediction. To explore this problem, modeling study of instability on a planar strike-slip fault was performed in the laboratory. It is based on the condition that the stress variation curves at a loading machine can reveal the stress state of the specimen and allow us to recognize its meta-instability stage. In terms of the advantage that the information from the loading machine can be compared with observations to the physical quantity of the sample, this work captures and analyzes the differences of temporal-spatial evolution processes of strain parallel and perpendicular to the fault in the stress linearity-off stage and meta-instability stage. The study suggests that a fault consists of relatively fragile and tough portions; the former usually are weakened first as expressed by pre-slip of the fault, and slow or small earthquakes indicative of beginning of strain release; while the latter become the locality of strain accumulation and fast instability finally, i.e. the future seismic source. The synergism process of a fault is actually a process of interaction between different portions of the fault. It is also a conversion from independent activities of each fault segment to synergism activity. The degree of synergism is an indicator of the stress state. It is based on the assumption that an earthquake results from sudden fast slip on a fault which relies on two primary conditions: one is the fault has a high synergism degree which facilitates connection between fault segments resulting in rapid slip of longer fault segments, and the other is sufficient strain is accumulated at some portions of the fault to overcome resistance of local tough portions on the fault. Usually the synergism process of a fault includes three stages: generation of strain-release patches, expansion and increasing of these patches, and mutual connection of strain-release areas. The first stage occurs when the stress curve deviates from linearity, strain variations of different portions of the fault begin to diverge, resulting in isolated patches of strain release and strain accumulation along the fault. In the second stage, related with the quasi-static instability of early meta-instability, those isolated areas of strain release increase and extend steadily. The third stage is equivalent to the late meta-instability that is a quasi-dynamic instability process when the sections of strain release on the fault accelerate to expand and strain levels of strain-accumulation areas accelerate to rise. The accelerated synergism begins at the time when the quasi-static state transforms into the quasi-dynamic state, of which the expansion mechanism of strain release segments changes, i.e. the expansion of isolated fault segments is replaced by connection between fault segments under interaction. At this time the fault is in a critical state and bound to generate earthquakes sooner or later. As a case study, based on the experimental results above and coupled with temporal-spatial evolution of earthquakes on the Laohushan-Maomaoshan Fault west of the Haiyuan Fault zone, this work analyzes the synergism process of the fault before the M6.2 earthquake on 6 June 2000 in this region.

    DENG Qi-dong, ZHU Ai-lan, GAO Xiang
    2014, 36(3):  562-573.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.002
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    Strike-slip fault are the active faults that are most closely related to large earthquakes. The study on how a large earthquake develops and occurs on strike-slip faults is an issue much concerned with the seismologists. As it is shown by structural geology studies, strike-slip faults are a complex tectonic system, which represents combination of various types of deformation under the shearing forces. Based on the research cases of various strike-slip fault zones both at home and abroad, this paper investigates and summarizes the geometry, kinematics and evolution processes of continuous or discontinuous strike-slip faults and analyzes the hinge role of the strike-slip faults. It is found that the hinge axis area is subject to intense compression, and the area is locked, where stress is concentrated, strain is localized, and earthquakes nucleate and develop. When the locked hinge axis is broken through, unstable sliding will occur along the strike-slip fault, producing sudden big displacement, accompanied with large earthquake. In the stepover zones of discontinuous strike-slip faults, earthquakes of corresponding size and type will develop and occur according to the relevant stress fields and rupture mechanics.

    ZHANG Pei-zhen, ZHANG Hui-ping, ZHENG Wen-jun, ZHENG De-wen, WANG Wei-tao, ZHANG Zhu-qi
    2014, 36(3):  574-585.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.003
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    Interactions of two global-scale geodynamic systems control Cenozoic tectonic evolution of continental eastern Asia: the collisional and convergent system between Indian and Eurasian plates, the subduction and back-arc extensional system along the western Pacific and Indonesian oceanic margins. The warm and broad Tethys Ocean separates the Indian plate in the south from the Eurasian plate in the north, while the former subducts beneath the latter. In the meanwhile, the Pacific plate continuously subducts westward beneath the Eurasian plate. As the rate of subduction decreases with the time, back-arc extensional basins began to form due to trench rollback along the subduction zone. Though it is still under debate on the timing of initiation of collision between India and Eurasia, the main stage or significant collision probably took place between 55 and 45Ma. The collision and subsequent penetration of India into Eurasia cause retreat of the Tethys Ocean, crustal thickening of the southern and central Tibet, uplifting of Proto-Tibetan plateau, and southeastward extrusion of crustal material of Tibetan plateau. The timing and direction of extrusion of Tibet's crustal material coincide with acceleration of trench rollback of back-arc extensional system along the western Pacific and Indonesian oceanic margins. The collision caused shortening and trench rollback induced extension appear to form a causal "source-sink relationship". In the period of 30 to 20Ma, the northeastward convergence of the Tibetan plateau increased as the southeastward extrusion slowed down that in turn caused northeastward and eastward growth of the plateau. The Main Boundary Thrust became southern collisional boundary between the Indian and Eurasian plates. The northern deformational boundary migrated to the Kunlun Fault zone, forming compressional foreland basins such as the Qaidam, Hexi Corridor, and Longxi Basins. The rapid trench rollback has decreased along the subduction and back-arc extensional system along the western Pacific and Indonesian oceanic margins. As a result, the Japan Sea has ceased extension and the North China Plain Basin has changed from rifting to thermal subsidence. The east-west direction extension initiates in the interior of Tibetan plateau since approximate 10Ma ago, forming a series of north-trending grabens and half-grabens in the high altitudes above 5 000m. In the same time, the Tibetan plateau grows outward so that the Qilian Shan uplifted to form a major mountain range along the northern boundary and the Longmen Shan uplifted again to form an about 4000 relief with respect to Sichuan Basin. Along the eastern coast of Eastern Asia, subduction of Pacific plate beneath the Eurasian plate has accelerated to terminate back-arc extension.

    WEN Xue-ze
    2014, 36(3):  586-597.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.004
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    Study on structure of earthquake source regions is one aspect of earthquake geology, which has relatively small spatial-scale but needs to know more details about seismogenic structures of specific historical events and potential events. Most of shallow-focus and tectonio-genic earthquakes on continents usually nucleate at 10 to 30km below the earth's surface. Such a depth is not able to be reached from studies only using data and methods of geology, geomorphology, or only from analyses of remote sense imagery. It needs studies of coupling deep and shallow structures by combining data from geological investigations and seismological survey, as well as from inspections of multi-geophysical techniques. The study region of this article is the middle to western portion of the Hetao graben system in Inner Mongolia, China, which is an active boundary belt separating the Ordos and Yanshan blocks, and a large-scale seismogenic tectonic zone dominantly under tensional-stress in the northwestern North China. Along the system, at least two great earthquakes occurred in the historical time, and reportedly some lines of evidence of paleo-earthquakes have been found. Since the 20th century 4 strong events with magnitudes 6.0 to 6.4 have taken place in the Hetao graben system. The most recent two of the 4 are the MS 6.0 Wuyuan earthquake on Aug. 25, 1979 and the MS 6.4 Baotou earthquake on May 3, 1996, respectively. For seismogenic structures of the two, although relevant studies were made mainly based on analyzing the relation between aftershock's and seismic intensity's distributions and surface faults or "faults" inferred just from remote sensing images, queries still remain in the corresponding conclusions because information used in these studies are limited to the surface and far from the event's nucleation depths. Based on the previous studies, this study collects and combines more information available of active tectonics, petroleum seismic survey and relocated earthquake distribution, as well as seismic intensities and focal mechanism solutions of the mainshocks, further constructs and analyzes two seismo-tectonic profiles across the individual source regions of the two events, and then re-determines seismogenic faults of the two events. The author concludes that the MS 6.0 Wuyuan earthquake of 1979 occurred as a result of normal faulting along the main one of the Sertengshan piedmont fault zone, which trends in near west-east and dips southward, and the MS 6.4 Baotou earthquake of 1996 was produced by oblique-slip normal faulting along an unnamed blind fault that hides beneath the Wulashan horst, strikes west-northwest and dips south-southwest. The new conclusion is able to march and explain, to the maximum extent, the relevant information and phenomena in the individual source regions, including surface and subsurface active tectonics, aftershock, seismic intensity distributions and focal mechanism solutions of the mainshocks, and coseismic macro ground damages (as cracks yielded in bedrocks of the Wulashan horst during the 1996 mainshock). The only one phenomenon that cannot be completely explained is that about 2/5 of the area of the meizoseismal zone(with intensity Ⅷ) of the 1996 Baotou earthquake lies north(the foot wall)of the seismogenic fault determined in this study. In addition, case study of the seismogenic structure of the Baotou earthquake suggests that secondary active normal faults or oblique-slip normal faults may exist beneath horsts within large-scale active grabens, and they would have ability to produce strong earthquakes.

    HUANGFU Gang, SU You-jin, ZHANG Jian-guo
    2014, 36(3):  598-608.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.005
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    The spatiotemporal distribution of earthquake with M≥6.7 has the characteristics of clustering in Yunnan region in the 20th century. Since the end of 4th active period of strong earthquake marked by Lijiang M7.0 earthquake in 1996, the study on initial large earthquake of the active period of strong earthquake in 21th century has been taken as the keystone for the tracking of seismic situation. On 24th, March, 2011, the Mong Hpayak M7.2 earthquake occurred in Myanmar, about 80km apart from the border between Yunnan, China and Myanmar. The geodynamics and the ascription of seismic zones of the earthquake have very important influence both on the statistic feature and the further analysis of seismicity with M≥6.7 in Yunnan region. According to the data of the distributions of surface ruptures and aftershocks, the seismogenic structure of Mong Hpayak earthquake is the NE-trending Nam Ma Fault which passes through the border between Yunnan and Myanmar. Meanwhile, there are a series of parallel distributed NE-trending active faults including Nam Ma Fault in the region from the northern Tengchong, Longling in Yunnan, to the southern border area among Myanmar, Laos and Thailand, most of these faults are active during Holoscene and had generated earthquakes with M≥7 in history. These M≥7 earthquakes, together with many other smaller earthquakes, form a NNW-direction dense seismic belt across Yunnan, Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. Our comprehensive studies on the regional tectonic evolution, contemporary crust movement state and seismicity have proposed that the Mong Hpayak M7.2 earthquake has the same geodynamic source as that of those earthquakes in southwestern Yunnan region. Moreover, the seismogenic structure of Mong Hpayak M7.2 earthquake connects with those earthquakes in SW Yunnan. Therefore, all the earthquakes mentioned above should be taken as in the same seismic belt and be brought into the statistic analysis of seismicity features in Yunnan region. It implies that the Mong Hpayak M7.2 earthquake is prologue to the active period of strong earthquake in 21th century in Yunnan region, and the seismic risk level in the region of eastern Red River Fault may be higher than that in the western region according to the statistic study.

    YUAN Dao-yang, LEI Zhong-sheng, LIU Xing-wang, XIE Hong, SU Qi
    2014, 36(3):  609-624.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.006
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    An earthquake with MS 6.6 occurred near the border between Minxian and Zhangxian counties in southeastern Gansu Province on July 22, 2013. This earthquake caused serious personnel casualties and property damages. According to the field investigation, the intensity of the epicenter area is about Ⅷ, the causative structure is a branch fault of the eastern segment of Lintan-Dangchang active fault.The southeastern region of Gansu Province is located at the eastern boundary of Tibetan active block. A series of strike-slip faults with thrust components are developed and their combination is complicated and a series of strong or even large earthquakes occurred in this area in the history and present-days, and one of them is the Luqu earthquake occurring in 842 AD at the boundary of Han and Tibet area(now the southeastern area of Gansu Province). The earthquake caused seismic rupture, spring gushing, landslip in the Minshan Mountains and countercurrent of the Taohe River for three days. According to the detail textual research of historical references and field investigation, the epicenter area of this earthquake locates at the Guanggaishan-Dieshan mountain area, at the border area between Luqu County, Zhuoni County and Diebu County in the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The date of the Luqu earthquake is possibly on the 24th day of the twelfth month of the second year of Huichang Reign in Tang Dynasty, that is, on January 31 or 27, 843 AD, and the magnitude of this earthquake is about 7~7 1/2 , the intensity near the epicenter area is about nine to ten. There are three late Quaternary active fault zones of thrust with left-lateral components, namely, Lintan-Dangcang Fault, Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault and Diebu-Bailongjiang Fault. According to the comparative analysis of the field investigation of active faults in recent years and present seismic activity, we think that Luqu earthquake is the result of new activity of Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault, the causative fault of this earthquake. This fault is an important branch fault of the eastern segment of northern boundary faults of Bayan Har block(Eastern Kunlun Fault zone), a main activity area of large earthquakes with magnitude larger than 7 in Chinese continent in the recent 10 years, and has the tectonic condition to generate M≥7 large earthquakes.

    LEI Xing-lin, LI Xia-ying, LI Qi, MA Sheng-li, FU Bi-hong, CUI Yin-xiang
    2014, 36(3):  625-643.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.007
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    In order to understand the role of underdeveloped immature small faults and conditions of the occurrence of medium-size earthquakes induced by fluid injection into deep reservoirs, we carry out an integrated study involving geological survey of small faults, seismological investigation of typical cases of injection-induced seismicity, and rock fracture test in laboratory. At first, we briefly summarize the general features of several important cases of injection-induced seismicity in gas/oil reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin, China. It is suggested that major induced earthquakes, especially those of a moderate size, result from the reactivation of pre-existing faults. We also present some pieces of field and petrologic evidence showing such small faults exist widely in reservoirs and are important channels for fluid migration. Then, we present experimental results with a focus on the formation and the after-slip of fault in typical sedimentary rocks under tri-axial compression. Finally, methodology for risk assessment and injection management is discussed based on insights gained from the integrated approaches.
    Our results are helpful for understanding the question—why injection-induced seismicity is so significant in the Sichuan Basin. Major Pre-Triassic sedimentary rocks, including dolomite, shale, and dolomitic limestone are strong and demonstrating brittle fracturing behaviors. Such properties are necessary conditions for maintaining high level of reservoir stress and leading to seismic fracturing. Insights gained from this study may shed some lights to the general earthquake seismology and provide a better understanding of why damaging injection-induced earthquakes occur so that they can either be avoided or be mitigated. In general, existing of critically or sub-critically stressed faults of a dimension of a few kms is a necessary condition for M~5 level earthquakes. In addition, AE, or in other words, micro-seismicity monitoring is useful in risk assessment and injection management and should be fully utilized in injection applications.

    DIAO Gui-ling, WANG Yue-feng, FENG Xiang-dong, WANG Xiao-shan, FENG Zhi-ren, ZHANG Hong-zhi, CHENG Wan-zheng, LI Yue, WANG Li-bing
    2014, 36(3):  644-657.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.008
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    There are carbonate rock, limestone and caves in the reservoir head area of Xiluodu Reservoir, which is the third largest reservoir in the world. After the impoundment, the water level has risen to about 140 meters, and consequently, more than 6 000 micro-earthquakes occurred on the reservoir head region, with magnitude of the vast majority being less than 1 and the maximum magnitude ML3. These micro-earthquakes concentrated within an area of 10km in width from the reservoir banks, 5km in depth, and 40km in length along the reservoir basin. These earthquakes did not affect the safety of the reservoir and dam. We inverted 700 focal mechanisms by using the waveforms recorded by the reservoir's digital seismic network before and after the impoundment, and further inverted the stress field of the whole reservoir head region and the sub-regions. The results show a complex orientation of focal mechanism, different rupture types, and uneven and unstable stress state, which is not in consistency with other regional stress fields obtained by a lot of natural earthquakes, indicating the reservoir induced seismicity is not strictly controlled by the regional stress field. According to the analysis, the reservoir water flows into caves, penetrating into cracks and joints, leading to increase of pore pressure, reducing the friction and fracture strength of rocks, and generating elastic deformation caused by the increased load of reservoir water. The joint actions of these may be the cause of the earthquakes. The accumulated regional stress and local stress were released first, then, the additional stress produced by the reservoir water loading was dominating. There are no major active faults in the reservoir head area. Reservoir water level will rise again by tens of meters in 2014. With the penetration of cracks, the adjustment of stress field, and the backflow of water which will inundate the upstream region of the reservoir basin, the possibility of occurrence of moderate earthquakes cannot be ruled out. The seismic fortification criteria are high for the dam of Xiluodu Reservoir, so these earthquakes will not cause safety problems. We suggest carrying out detailed hydro-geological, geophysical explorations during the continuous active period of the reservoir-induced seismicity to obtain accurate scientific data for determining the causes of induced seismicity and searching for the technical approaches for controlling the induced seismicity. These measurements will mitigate the impact of emergencies and play an exemplary role for the other similar reservoirs.

    DENG Zhi-hui, CHEN Mei-hua, YANG Zhu-zhuan, YAN Xing, DENG Yuan-li
    2014, 36(3):  658-666.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.009
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    Studies of air relative humidity dynamic process in Longmenshan Mountains area, Sichuan, southwestern China show that, before the 2013 Lushan MS7.0 earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake, the annual frequency of air relative humidity anomalies appeared to decrease year by year in the initial period, and then increased quickly. The fall time is longer, often more than 10 years, and the rise time is short, about 1~2 years. The epicenters are located in or near the area where the anomaly frequency of air relative humidity declined most and increased more than other regions.
    The tendency transition of the annual frequency of air relative humidity anomalies in the middle-term period of earthquake preparation is probably due to the opening and closing of rock fracture, underground fluid movement and geothermal energy release, which cause the change of ground temperature and latent heat exchange rate. In the medium and long-term period of earthquake preparation(10 to several years), the crust rock is under compression deformation, the rock pores and fissures are continuously closed or reduced, the releasing of underground hot water or hot vapor decreases, and the latent heat exchange rate has also decreased, therefore the relative humidity anomaly frequency shows a declining trend. Whereas in the medium and short-term period of the earthquake preparation, as the crustal rock deformation increases further, which may lead to micro fractures expanding, and the underground hot water and hot vapor by releasing will turn from decreasing to increasing, the latent heat exchange rate changes from reducing to rapidly increasing, and the relative humidity anomaly frequency also shows a transition from decreasing year by year to a rapid increase in burst.

    ZHU Yi-qing, ZHAO Yun-feng, LI Tie-ming, LIANG Wei-feng, XU Yun-ma, GUO Shu-song
    2014, 36(3):  667-676.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.010
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    Using the observation data of relative gravity measurements from the northeastern edge of the Tibetan plateau, we have systematically analyzed the spatial-temporal variation of the regional gravity field and their relation to the occurrence of the MS 6.6 Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake on July 22, 2013. Our research mainly shows that: 1)Spatially the anomaly change of the regional gravity field is closely related to the major fault zones in the region, suggesting that the tectonic activities or deformation which happened along the fault zones(or segments)during 2011 to 2013 would have resulted in the variation in the ground gravity observations. 2)Before the MS 6.6 Minxian-Zhangxiang earthquake, regional gravity anomaly firstly appeared in the whole study region, and then local gravity anomalies and high gradient zone of gravity change appeared at and near the potential source area. Among the areas of gravity anomalies, the anomaly variations near Linxia and Minxian were up to and over 150×10-8ms-2, indicating possibly the tectonic movement or stress enhancement in the study region and around the potential source area, which could be related to the preparation and occurrence of the earthquake. 3)The dynamic change patterns and the differential evolution patterns of gravity variation of one year scale suggest that significant anomalies of gravity variations in the mobile gravity measurements appeared indeed in the last two years of the preparation process of the MS 6.6 Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake. The earthquake occurred on the NE-trending high gradient zone near the zero curve and the turning part of contours of gravity change. 4)To a certain degree, we made a medium-term forecast before the Minxian-Zhangxian MS 6.6 earthquake, especially a forecast for the locality of the earthquake based on the anomalous gravity variations.

    LI Tao, CHEN Jie, XIAO Wei-peng
    2014, 36(3):  677-691.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.011
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    The fold scarp, a type of geomorphic scarp on the land surface formed by folding without fault offsets on the surface, can be used to constrain folding and slip rates and kinematics and to reconstruct a folding history despite a lack of full constraints on the subsurface structure. Recently, the conceptual, geometric, and kinematic models of fold scarps formed by fault-bend folding(fault-bend fold scarp)were developed. But for other types of fold scarp, there are few detailed investigations till now.
    Located at southern foreland of Chinese Tianshan, the Mingyaole anticline is interpreted to be a detachment fold. On the Kezilesu river terraces in the south limb, a series of detachment fold scarps occur. The height, width, and slope of fold scarps on the T2 and T3b terraces are ~16m/~40m/~25° and ~20m/~50m/~26° respectively. The scarp locations are correlated with an underlying synclinal hinge separating a 50° dip and a 15°dip domain and the strike of the scarp is parallel with the hinge. Detailed geologic and geomorphic mapping and dGPS survey data reveal important characteristics of detachment fold scarp. 1)The fold scarps are formed by synclinal hinge migration. 2)During initial growth, the height, width and slope of the fold scarp increase gradually. When the fold scarp's horizontal width increases to be at least twice that of the hinge, the slope will approach a maximum, and will subsequently remain constant even as the height and width continue to increase gradually. 3)The scarp height and underlying bedding dips on either side of the hinge can be used to calculate incremental shortening absorbed by the fold scarp. Based on the height ~16m of the fold scarp on the T2 and its exposure age ~8.0ka, the shortening rate absorbed by south limb of the Mingyaole fold is estimated to be ~1.3mm/a. Despite similarities with fault-bend fold scarps, detachment-fold scarps have some pronounced differences, which suggest that the type of fold scarp should be defined prior to calculating folding rates.

    ZHANG Li-fang, XU Jie, PENG Yan-ju, JI Feng-ju, LV Yue-jun, ZHOU Ben-gang
    2014, 36(3):  692-705.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.012
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    The study area of this article covers the continental shelf of the East China Sea and the Okinawa Trough. Tectonically, the area is the seaward extension of the eastern China mainland, consisting of the East China Sea shelf basin, the Diaoyudao islands uplift-fold zone, and the Okinawa Trough Basin developed in Cenozoic. Lying at the conjunction between the Eurasian and Philippine plates, the neotectonic movement since Miocene and resultant geologic structure of this area are complicated and peculiar. Based on pervious data and studies, this paper makes a systematic and in-deep analysis to the features of the neotectonic movement in this region, involving geomorphology, geological structure, magma activity and earthquakes. Then, the dynamic conditions for the neotectonic movement of the study area are discussed.
    Neotectonic movement of East China Sea started from middle Miocene and the mechanism of the tectonic stress field changed from sinistral transtension to sinistral transpression. The neotectonic movement in this area is inhomogeneous, with the continental shelf basin inclining and subsiding slightly to the southeast, the Okinawa trough dominated mainly by crustal active rifting, and the Diaoyu Islands fold belt characterized by lateral compressive bending uplift. The active faults, mainly trending NNE and NE, are dominantly distributed in the continental shelf basin, especially in the Okinawa trough. Magmatism and earthquake activity are also mainly distributed in the east of the continental shelf basin, especially in the Okinawa trough. The neotectonic movement in East China Sea is co-influenced by the back arc mantle uplift which is caused by the subduction of the Philippine plate beneath the continental shelf of East China Sea and results in the NW-SE rifting of Okinawa trough, and the southeastward movement of South China block which is pushed by the lateral extrusion of eastern Tibet.

    WANG Hu, RAN Yong-kang, LI Yan-bao, CHEN Li-chun
    2014, 36(3):  706-717.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.013
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    The Anninghe and Zemuhe Fault systems show characteristics of a left-lateral strike-slip movement since late Quaternary and they are located along the eastern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan Fault block in the southeastern region of the Tibetan plateau. The N-S striking Anninghe Fault is divided into the northern and southern segment around Mianning. The northern segment has an average recurrence interval of large earthquakes of about 500~700 years and a left-lateral slip rate of 4mm/a since Holocene. However paleoseismic behavior along the southern segment has been less focused. We excavated several trenches at Yuehua along the southern segment and used multiple radiocarbon dating to constrain the average recurrence interval of large earthquakes of this segment, which is about 600~800 years. The Zemuhe Fault has an average recurrence interval of paleoearthquakes of about 2300 years with a left-lateral slip rate of 2.4~3.6mm/a since Holocene. Comparing with the fault behavior between the Anninghe Fault and Zemuhe Fault, we find that the recurrence interval of the Anninghe Fault is shorter than that of the Zemuhe Fault and has a relatively larger left-lateral slip rate, indicating an inconsistent paleoseismic behavior. We suggest this inconsistence may be related to different strikes of the two faults, the uplift of the Luoji Shan and the distribution of the N-S trending strike-slip fault system on the south of the Anninghe Fault.

    SHAN Xin-jian, QU Chun-yan, GUO Li-min, ZHANG Guo-hong, SONG Xiao-gang, ZHANG Gui-fang, WEN Shao-yan, WANG Chi-sheng, XU Xiao-bo, LIU Yun-hua
    2014, 36(3):  718-730.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.014
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    Vertical coseisimic deformation near seismogenic fault is one of the most important parameters for understanding the fault behavior, especially for thrust or normal fault, since near field vertical deformation provides meaningful information for understanding the rupture characteristics of the seismogenic fault and focal mechanism. Taking Wenchuan thrust earthquake for an example, we interpolate GPS horizontal observed deformation using Biharmonic spline interpolation and derive them into east-westward or north-southward deformation field. We first use reliable GPS observed value to correct InSAR reference point and unify both GPS and InSAR coordinate frame. We then make a profile using InSAR data and compare it to that from GPS data and we find GPS and InSAR observation reference point has a 9.93cm difference in the hanging wall side, and around -11.49cm in the footwall. After correction, we obtain a continuous vertical deformation field of the Wenchuan earthquake by combined calculation of GPS and InSAR LOS deformation field. The results show that the vertical deformation of both hanging wall and foot wall of the fault decreases rapidly, with deformation greater than 30cm within 50km across the fault zone. The uneven distribution of the vertical deformation has some peak values at near fault, mainly distributed at the southern section(the town of Yingxiu), the middle(Beichuan)and the northern end(Qingchuan)of the seismogenic fault. These three segments have their own characteristics. The southern section of the fault has an obvious asymmetric feature, which exhibits dramatic uplift reaching 550cm on the hanging wall, with the maximum uplift area located in Yingxiu town to Lianshanping. The middle section shows a strong anti-symmetric feature, with one side uplifting and the other subsiding. The largest uplifting of the southern segment reaches around 255cm, located at the east of Chaping, and the largest subsiding is in Yongqing, reaching around -215cm. The vertical deformation of the northern section is relatively small and distributed symmetrically mainly in the north of Qingchuan, with the maximum uplift to be 120cm, locating in the northernmost of the seismogenic fault.

    QU Chun-yan, SHAN Xin-jian, ZHANG Guo-hong, XU Xiao-bo, SONG Xiao-gang, ZHANG Gui-fang, LIU Yun-hua
    2014, 36(3):  731-748.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.015
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    In the past few years, the improved InSAR technology based on time series analyses to many SAR images has been used for measurement of interseismic deformation along active fault. In the paper, we first made a summary and introduction to the basic principle and technical characteristics of existing Time Series InSAR methods(such as Stacking, PSInSAR, SBAS). Then we presented a case study on the central segment of Haiyuan Fault in west China. We attempt to use the PS-InSAR(Permanent Scatter InSAR)technique to estimate the motion rate fields of this fault. We processed and analyzed 17 scenes of ENVISAT/ASAR images in descending orbits from 2003-2010 using the PS-InSAR method. The results reveal the whole movement pattern around the Haiyuan Fault and a remarkable velocity gradient of about 5mm/a across the central segment of the fault. The motion scenes are consistent with left-lateral strike-slip. On this basis, we make a discussion on some issues about observation of fault activity using Time Series InSAR methods, such as the changes of LOS deformation rates with fault strike and region width observed across a fault, fault reciprocity and motion style indicated by Time Series InSAR rate map and the relationship between the InSAR LOS deformation and the ones from other methods. All these studies will benefit the promotion of InSAR application in detection of tectonic movement.

    MA Chao, QU Chun-yan, MENG Xiu-jun
    2014, 36(3):  749-762.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.016
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    Consisting of three water diversion projects, i.e. Western Route Project(WRP), Middle Route Project(MRP)and Eastern Route Project(ERP), South-to-North Water Diversion Project is by far the world's largest water conservancy project. It is also a major strategic infrastructure to optimize the allocation of water resources in China.
    The MRP has a total length of 1267km, including a canal segment of 731km long located in Henan Province, which accounts for more than half of the total mileage and runs through from north to south the central plains of China. The project starts mainly in the north of Henan Province, running through Hebi mining area(i.e. Hebi Coal Industry Group Co. Ltd.), Tangyin graben, three cities(i.e. Weihui, Hebi and Anyang city)and two counties(i.e. Qixian county and Tangyin county). Being threatened by mining subsidence, regional tectonic activities and urban groundwater subsidence, its embankment is prone to instability.
    In order to assess the stability of embankment along the route, and also to provide safety guarantee for the water diversion project, with the case of the north Henan section of Middle Route Project(MRP), all 9 periods of ENVISAT ASAR data of 2009 are processed by means of 2 PASS plus external DEM D-InSAR processing algorithm, the parameters of space-time baseline are analyzed, best optimal interferometry images pairs are selected, and D-InSAR processing strategies are optimized to obtain differential interferograms for 33 monitoring points along 127km route; information of subsidence area, urban surface settlement area, as well as the amplitudes due to groundwater mining is extracted, and thematic maps of interferometric phase change vectors are gotten.
    The following understandings are obtained: 1)There is uneven subsidence over the diversion canal. The cumulative minimum amount of subsidence is -33mm, and maximum subsidence is -73mm in 350 days. Annual subsidence rate is between 0.34m/yr to 0.76m/yr, and annual average subsidence rate is 0.53m/yr. In general, subsidence of monitoring points fits with exponential distribution, with the average correlation coefficient R2=0.7418. According to some mathematical models of curve fitting for monitoring point subsidence, it can be predicted that the subsidence of embankment of water diversion canal tends to be stable in majority of the sections. At the same time, both subsidence value and rate are getting smaller. 2)This study shows that due to combined effect from a variety of factors, this region has a poor regional geological stability. Analysis reveals that tectonic activity and urban surface subsidence are the main influencing factors, infrastructure construction is the secondary effect on the embankment stability, and there is no direct correlation with mining subsidence.

    ZHANG Ke-liang, GAN Wei-jun, ZHOU Xin
    2014, 36(3):  763-774.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.017
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    The Tohoku-Oki MW9.0 earthquake of 11 March, 2011 has caused eastward movement and subsidence of the Japanese Islands as well as mass redistribution. The temporal-spatial features of mass redistribution were discussed by using the monthly GRACE time-variable gravity field, which would compensate the inefficiency for the undersea focal region where GPS, InSAR measurements are not available. The coseismic gravity changes were computed through least-square fitting and empirical orthogonal function(EOF) from the time series on 0.5°×0.5° grids, and through dislocation model as well. A dipole distribution of the coseismic changes appears in back-arc region and trench with maximum decrement and increment of~6μgal and~3μgal, respectively. The results suggest that EOF method avoids a priori knowledge, such as event time, as used in least squares fitting. Nevertheless, the gravity signal derived from GRACE satellites is an integral of many different geophysical processes, thus the reliability and exact physical sources are likely varying due to the event scale and observation time span, etc. In this study, most of seasonal changes are eliminated through PCs 2, 3, 4; and the coseismic gravity changes extracted from the first principle component of EOF, whose distribution is spatially coherent, are much closer to the result from dislocation model than the least square result, therefore can really reflect the changes resulting from the earthquake.

    CHEN Shun-yun, MA Jin, LIU Pei-xun, LIU Li-qiang, HU Xiao-yan, REN Ya-qiong
    2014, 36(3):  775-793.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.018
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    The objective of this paper is to explore the current tectonic activity with satellite remote sensing thermal information by taking a case of the Wenchuan earthquake. Three items are accomplished as follows: 1)the process of evaluation of thermal field before and after Wenchuan earthquake is analyzed. The results indicate that there exist plenty of thermal information associated with the distribution of tectonics in the in-situ land surface temperature field, which is extracted from land surface temperature in which the effects of non-tectonic factors, such as topography, atmosphere and solar radiation are gotten rid of. 2)Combining with measurement of the shallow atmosphere temperature, the quantitative relationship between increment of land surface temperature and crustal stress-strain is preliminarily investigated. Results indicate that the increment generated by the crustal stress may obviously affect the shallow atmosphere temperature. Especially, the temperature-lowering zone has more reliability. There exist some temperature lowering zones along the boundaries of large geological blocks before and after Wenchuan earthquake, which reflects the relatively extensional movement (or stress relaxation) among these corresponding blocks. 3)Based on the co-seismic deformation, the comparative analysis is done between co-seismic deformation and thermal information. Results indicate that the tectonically adjusted area obtained from temperature field is largely accordant with that of co-seismic deformation. This shows that the variation of temperature along the boundaries of large geological blocks within the Tibet Plateau reflects the process of the adjustment of crustal deformation of the Tibet Plateau before and after Wenchuan earthquake. In summary, it is a possible approach to obtain the change of state of crustal stress by using the thermal method.

    WEI Zhan-yu, HE Hong-lin, GAO Wei, XU Xi-wei, GAN Wei-jun, WEI Lei-hua
    2014, 36(3):  794-813.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.019
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    Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) provides a more advanced technique and more accurate basic data to describe geomorphological features and the latest surface deformation associated with active tectonics. How to apply this new technique and dataset to mapping of active fault and seismic hazard assessment is an important trend in the field of active tectonics. Taking the Dushanzi anticline-reverse fault zone in Xinjiang as test area, we made an experimental study on geologic mapping of active tectonics based on the LiDAR data. Firstly, we collected raw data using the airborne LiDAR technique, and obtained a raw point-cloud with a point density of 6.6 points/m2 and an average space of 0.39m between any two points. Secondly, using twelve ground control points(GCP)which is acquired by static GPS measurement with accuracy up to millimeter, we evaluated the vertical error of the ground point-cloud data with density of 6.4 points/m2, and the result shows a vertical error of 0.12m, mean square value 0.078m. Finally, using the inverse distance weighting algorithm, we obtained the digital elevation model(DEM)of 0.5m-resolution. The resolution of the DEM is high enough to describe and analyze spatially the fine feature of tectonic landform of the Dushanzi anticline-reverse fault zone. In this paper, we identify the fine tectonic landforms using merely the DEM visualization tools based on different virtual perspectives, different shades or different treatment methods. The active tectonics and their distribution identified based on the high resolution DEM derived from LiDAR are not only consistent with previous results identified from air-interpretation and field investigation, but also finer and more precise than the latter. In addition, these methods of data acquisition, quality inspection and data processing introduced in this paper are also applied to other active fault researches in which LiDAR data have been acquired.

    MA Sheng-li, YAO Lu, Shimamoto Toshihiko, Togo Tetsuhiro, HOU Lin-feng, WANG Yu
    2014, 36(3):  814-824.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.020
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    This paper briefly reviews the recent progress in high-velocity frictional experiments on rocks at State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics. In order to promote research on faulting and earthquake mechanics, a rotary-shear low- to high-velocity friction apparatus is installed at the laboratory, which is capable of producing plate to seismic slip velocities(~mm/yr to~m/s)and the capability of high-velocity friction bridges a technical gap of the laboratory. Focusing on the mechanical properties of the Longmenshan Fault zone, a series of high-velocity frictional experiments have neen operated by using the apparatus. The results indicate that the high-velocity frictional properties of the Longmenshan Fault zone are quite uniform and the significant high-velocity weakening must have promoted dynamic rupture propagation during the Wenchuan earthquake. The predominant mechanisms for fault weakening are processes related with frictional heating, including flash heating and thermal pressurization. Fault gouges exhibit very rapid healing by more than 0.4 in friction coefficient μ within 5~10s, and the rapid healing following seismic slip can be a cause for reduced aftershocks along major coseismic faults. Based on the present capability of the apparatus and the experimental results obtained, some topics are proposed for study on high-velocity friction of rocks in the near future including the modification of the rotary-shear low-to high-velocity friction apparatus and the related experiments.

    LIU Li-qiang
    2014, 36(3):  825-832.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.021
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    After the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake, in 1910, Harry Fielding Reid published the article "The Mechanics of the Earthquake". From an investigation of the deformation of the ground surface which accompanied the 1906 earthquake and the seismological data from USGS Reid expounded explicitly the correlation between the faults and the shallow earthquake. He put forward firstly the elastic rebound model to explain the mechanical mechanism of the earthquake. The model consists of three basic points:
    1)The earthquake originates from the fault movement; 2)The movement leads to the inhomogeneous elastic deformation on both sides of fault, accumulating vast amounts of energy; 3)Part of the elastic energy is released in the earthquake.
    Brace(1966)proposed that the physical mechanism of elastic rebound should be explained with jerky sliding motion or stick-slip which is well-known in engineering. The introduction of the stick-slip concept combines the physical interpretation of the earthquakes between the shallow and deep source one and converts the research of deformation into the problem of friction, thus, resulting in a great upsurge in the study of friction in the 1970s to 90s. Twelve years later, Byerlee published the research paper-Friction of rock(1978), regarded as the Byerlee's Law, that is, when the normal stress σn is smaller than 2kb, the shear stress τ=0.85σn approximately; when σn is larger than 2kb, τ=0.5+0.65σn.
    Unfortunately, although Byerlee's paper referred to the variation of data for many times, the empirical formula of his own did not give the range of variation, so the reader could not calculate or evaluate its reliability. Furthermore, in the friction constitutive relation expressed by a piecewise function, the cut-off point is set at 2kb, of which there have been no explanations about its physical meaning or statistical basis so far. In Byerlee's frame, stick-slip is assimilated as a spring-block model. Fault displacement is set for the rigid block friction movement and deformation is set for spring extension. The spring extension is imputed optionally to the mechanical frame deformation of loading machine.
    The friction constitutive relation can be described only by one constant and the stress field along the fault plane be gotten directly with projection transformation of loading force. This simplified mechanical model is so exciting that it seems to be paving the understanding avenue in the process of earthquake. Only after a year when Byerlee published the paper about rock friction, a mathematical model was deduced based on the simplified assumptions(Dieterich, 1979), and soon it was further simplified as the so-called velocity-dependence equation:τ[μ0+(a-b)ln (V/V0)]σ
    Where, τ is shear stress and σ is effective normal stress; a and b represent the material properties; V is sliding velocity, where V0 is the reference velocity, and μ0 is steady-state friction coefficient when V=V0. For a specified fault, the sliding friction behavior or the instability depends only on the plus or minus of(a-b)
    .But if μ0 is not constant, the situation will become very complicated. The experimental results show that the numerical scale(a-b)is often on the parts per thousand(0.001~0.004). Then even the same rocks in different conditions or different sliding stages the variation of friction coefficient is also on decimal point first(such as granite: 0.5~0.7, gabbro: 0.2~0.7). Therefore, if the variation of friction coefficient μ0 is taken into account, the contribution or effect of (a-b) to the friction angle changes is almost negligible.
    In addition, the stress σ and τ on fault surface are taken from the axial projection. The projection must assume the rock slide block is rigid. It means along the slip surface of rock without any deformation. This has violated the elastic rebound model in essence described by the basic facts and does not conform to earthquake field investigation results.
    Actual measurements have proved there is a complex deformation mode on smooth fault slip zone. Different parts of the fault have different deformation processes. Even the average stress state of the near fault parts is different from both in the direction and the value projected with loading force. Other experimental results show that, during the stick-slip, fault is not only to complete a simple smooth one-way movement, but experiences complicated multi-times and multi-point tremors to release the energy accumulated in the fault zone. These new experimental results agree with the basic model proposed from Reid by earthquake field investigation in 100 years ago.
    Back to the classic is to change the research direction back to reality of earthquake, this is the right way of the future.

    PAN Yi-shan, WANG Kai-xing
    2014, 36(3):  833-844.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.022
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    When rock burst occurs in deep coal mine, there is a significant phenomenon of rupture in coal and rock mass. Based on the theory of pendulum-type wave's propagation in the block rock mass, the mechanism of anomalously low friction between rock blocks is studied. Block rock mass is composed of rock block and the weak medium between rock blocks. The law of anomalously low friction in rock mass is studied by maximum value of relative displacement between rock blocks under dynamic action. The soft medium between rock blocks has periodic tensile and compressive variations under the effect of blocks during pendulum-type wave's propagation in block rock mass. When relative displacement of soft medium between rock blocks reaches the maximum value in the tensile direction, the adjacent blocks would show an obvious separation state. At this time, positive pressure between rock blocks is small relatively and rock block is easy to slide under lateral force in the mechanism of anomalously low friction between rock blocks. As a result, the criterion for block rock mass' anomalously low friction is put forward. Based on the dynamic model of pendulum-type wave's propagation, this paper analyzes the relative displacement between rock blocks under the effect of various external perturbations including the transient perturbation and periodical perturbation, as well as the transient state response and steady state response of block rock mass. The effect of mass of local block and viscoelasticity property of soft medium between rock blocks on the relative displacement between local rock blocks is calculated. When the viscous coefficient in block partings increases or the mass of rock block decreases, the maximum tensile value between rock blocks decreases, at this moment, the anomalously low friction does not act easily. However, when the elasticity coefficient in block partings decreases, the maximum tensile value between rock blocks increases obviously, at this moment, the anomalously low friction acts easily. Meanwhile, the effect of external disturbance property on anomalously low friction in rock mass is analyzed. Changing external disturbance frequency will lead to change of maximum tensile value between rock blocks, which will rise sharply at the disturbance frequency close to the quasi-resonant frequency and decline gradually at the disturbance frequency far away from the quasi-resonant frequency. It is important for understanding the laws of fault movement type rock burst through the analysis of the anomalously low friction mechanism of rock mass based on propagation of pendulum-type waves.

    WANG Xue-bin, MA Bing, LV Jia-qing
    2014, 36(3):  845-861.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.023
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    For typical faults at a laboratory scale, with basically known physical and mechanical parameters and specific loading and boundary conditions, the integrative numerical simulation of their deformations, failures and stabilities is difficult. The numerical simulation at a laboratory scale can lay a foundation for that at a large scale, and can provide some necessary technical conditions. In this paper, from the viewpoint of numerical modeling, we reviewed the methods of introducing heterogeneities and reproducing stick-slip processes at a laboratory scale. Two models are specially emphasized: the heterogeneous strain-softening model with faults and rock blocks, and the frictional hardening and frictional softening model. In the first model, to assess the state of stress for faults, we present the method to calculate the absolute value of the slope of the relation between frequency of events and released energy. During the jog failure for the compressive echelon faults, some quantities related to large shear strain drops are particularly sensitive indicators for rock fractures, and can be more effective than acoustic emissions. In the second model, the internal friction angle follows different laws at the stick and slip stages. Though no velocity is introduced in the model, the velocity changes at the stick and slip stages because of solving the motion equations. Three problems worthy of further investigation are pointed out. Firstly, a computational model is needed to reproduce the entire process of geomaterials: deformation, failure and motion. Secondly, a reliable method to assess the stability of faults for a complex system is necessary. Finally, high efficient solving algorithm for the motion equations is especially needed.

    YANG Xiao-song, CHEN Jian-ye, DUAN Qing-bao, YANG Yu, CHEN Jin-yu
    2014, 36(3):  862-881.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.024
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    Earthquake fault zones are conduits of deep crustal fluids. Extensive rock-water interaction within fault zones results in distinct rock properties of fault rocks, including their mineral composition, particle size distribution, porosity, permeability and elasticity. These features are taken as responses to fluids acting on fault rocks during co- and inter-seismic periods, and can provide important information on rock formation, energetic partitioning, fluid and mass transport within the fault zones, and can also serve as constraints to deep probing results. Taking the Wenchuan earthquake fault for instance, this paper summarizes rock-physical properties of fault rocks, including permeability, porosity, P-wave velocity, particle size distribution, chemical and mineral composition. The results indicate that fault rocks seen now on the surface are definitely related to coseismic fracturing process, but their physical properties have been significantly influenced by long-term rock-water interaction; the present internal structure is not simply the product of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, but the cumulative nature of repeated seismic events. This can explain the large petrophysical difference from country rocks. This paper further discusses earthquake-related issues including fracturing energy, rupture propagation, formation and explanation of trapped wave.

    ZHOU Yong-sheng, HAN Liang, JING Chen, HE Chang-rong, DANG Jia-xiang
    2014, 36(3):  882-895.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.025
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    The seismogenic fault of Wenchuan earthquake is a high-angle reverse-slip fault. It is necessary for the sliding of such a high-angle reverse fault and the triggering of the Wenchuan earthquake on it to have special mechanical conditions at the deep part of fault. In this study, we investigated the deformation mechanism of cataclastic-mylonite rocks in ductile shear zones found in the Yingxiu-Beichuan Fault. The deformation temperature and the flow stress of brittle-plastic transition of fault were estimated by the deformation fabrics of quartz. The water contents and the distribution of major minerals in mylonite were measured using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR). The fluid inclusions were measured using Raman and microprobe. The rehological structures of brittle-plastic transition of the Longmenshan Fault zone under different fluid pressure and strain rate conditions were constructed to discuss the role of the high fluid pressure in the seismogenic and occurrence mechanics of Wenchuan earthquake.
    The studies showed that inhomogeneous ductile deformation occurred in the brittle-plastic transition of the Yingxiu-Beichuan Fault. The complex deformation characters of quartz display different deformation temperatures in the ductile shear zone. The quartz in fine-grained mylonite was deformed by the grain boundary migration and recrystallization, implying the deformation temperature is from 500 to 700℃. The quartz in porphyroclastic mylonite was deformed by the subgrain rotation and recrystallization, implying the deformation temperature is from 400 to 500℃. The earlier quartz veins and healed cracks were deformed by the bulges and recrystallization, implying the deformation temperature is from 280 to 400℃. The later quartz veins which cut the earlier quartz veins were deformed by the cataclastics, indicating the deformation temperature is from 150 to 250℃. The deformation of quartz shows that the ductile shear zone experienced multi-phase brittle-ductile transitions. Based on the grain size of recrystallized quartz, the ductile flow stress of the fault is estimated to be 15~80MPa. The trace amount water in quartz and feldspar exists in the forms of hydroxyl in crystals, grain boundaries water and fluid inclusions water, and the water contents are higher with increasing strain of rocks, with a changing range from 0.01wt% to 0.15wt%. A lot of secondary fluid inclusions were found in the quartz in the brittle-plastic transition of fault, which were captured during crack healing. Based on measurement of the fluid inclusions, the capture temperature of the fluid inclusions is from 330 to 350℃, and fluid pressure is about 70~405MPa, the corresponding fluid pressure coefficient is estimated to be from 0.16 to 0.9, which stands for the characters of fluid inclusions captured during cracks healing process related with co-seismic and postseismic slip of fault.
    Rheological structure was constructed based on the analysis data and flow law of wet quartz, as well as variation of fluid pressure and strain rate during periods of inter-seismic to earthquake nucleation, and after-slip to post seismic. Rheological structure shows that the strength of fault and depth of brittle-plastic transition change with strain rate and fluid pressure during inter seismic, earthquake nucleation, and after-slip period, and the depth of brittle-plastic transition is fit to the deformation mechanism of quartz, and the depth of transition of velocity weakening to strengthening of fault slip, as well as the focal depth of Wenchuan earthquake, which display that the Yingxiu-Beichuan Fault has the probability of weakening of sliding velocity and qualification of earthquake nucleation. However, the existing high fluid pressure in fault could be the most important factor for the high-angle reverse fault slip and triggering the Wenchuan earthquake.

    ZHANG Lei, HE Chang-rong
    2014, 36(3):  896-906.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.026
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    Through a series of analysis on the black gouge at Pingxi in Yingxiu-Beichuan Fault, we found about 9wt.%organic matter of kerogen type preserved in the black gouge. The gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was applied to the organic matter and five major alkane compounds were identified, namely, n-alkanes (C14-C21), acyclic isoprenoids(pristane and phytane), sterane, terpane and n-alkylcyclohexanes (C10-C21). Based on preliminary analysis on the organic compounds, we conclude that the organic matter in the black gouge should have deposited in a sea facies or in a saline lacustrine reducing environment, with features of long-time storage and high maturity degree. Through contrast experiments between original gouge samples and organic-removed gouge samples, we found that organic matter in the Pingxi black gouge can significantly weaken fault frictional strength and increase its sliding stability.

    GUO Ying-xing, WANG Duo-jun, LI Dan-yang, CHEN Xiao-bin
    2014, 36(3):  907-917.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.027
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    The electrical conductivity of biotite-plagioclase gneiss was investigated at pressure of 1GPa and temperatures from 400 to 1073K by impedance spectroscopy within a frequency range of 10-1 to 106Hz. The electrical conductivity of the samples increases with increasing temperature, which can be described approximately as the Arrhenius equation. The logarithm of electrical conductivity varies from -6 to -0.5S/m at the range of 400 to 1073K. The measurement results reveal that the conductivities of samples with different orientations differ by an order of magnitude at the same temperature. The electrical conductivity parallel to foliation shows abrupt change in the temperature range of 881~1040K in the third heating and cooling cycle, which may be associated with the dehydration of biotite. The calculated activation enthalpies are 0.49eV(parallel to foliation)and 0.43eV(perpendicular to foliation)for low temperatures and 1.53eV(parallel)and 3.40eV (perpendicular)for high temperatures, respectively. The experiment results are compared with the magnetotelluric observations of the middle and lower crust in East China, our model is consistent with the electrical conductivity structures derived from geophysical observations. Our results indicate that the biotite-plagioclase gneiss may be one of the candidate rocks in this region.

    LIU Gui, ZHOU Yong-sheng, SHI Yao-lin
    2014, 36(3):  918-928.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.028
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    Deformed fabric has been broadly observed from middle to lower crustal rocks. The deformed fabric of granitic rock not only affects the strength of rock, but also controls the later deformation, which transforms the former deformation. The experimental exploration on effect of pre-exsiting fabric on the rheological strength of rocks is thus a new research topic. In this paper, we re-analysed the semibrittle-plastic creep data of anisotropic rocks(mica schist-gneiss, synthetic layers and particulate quartz-anorthite (50:50) composites), combined with the rheological experimental results of granitic gneiss and mylonite by the authors under different fabric conditions and discussed the effect of pre-exsiting fabric on rheological strength of anisotropic rocks. The experimental results show that the angle between the compression direction and the original foliation of anisotropic rocks is an important factor, which controls the variation of strength. In the semi-brittle deformation regime, the flow strength of rocks with compression direction perpendicular (PER) to the foliation is basically similar with that of rocks with compression direction parallel (PAR) to the foliation. The fracture strength is minimum when the angle between the compression direction of experiment and the original foliation is 30 degrees. In the plastic deformation regime, the flow strength of rocks with PER is significantly stronger than that of rocks with PAR. The strength has a minimum value when the angle between the foliation and the orientiation of the maximum principal stress is 45 degrees. The degree of replacement of former deformed fabric by that of later deformation determines the strength of anisotropic rocks. Besides, the content, distridution and grain size of minerals have a significant effect on the strength of anisotropic rocks. Prediction by previous theories is consistent with experimental results of mica schist, but the rheological model of other types of anisotropic rock seems more complex than such theoretical models. Therefore, further investigation on the effect of pre-existing fabric on rheology of rock with comparison of the deformation between geological and experimental conditions is the most effective method to understand the rheology and deformation mechanism of anisotropic rocks in tectonic settings.

    GUO Ling-li, LIU Li-qiang, LIU Pei-xun
    2014, 36(3):  929-938.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2014.03.029
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    In order to study the complex strain field during the instability process of rapid deformation adjustment stage and the rock failure process in rock experiments, high-speed, high-resolution, multi-channel strain observation technology is applied to physical simulation experiment and developed as Multi-channel Dynamic Strain Observation System for monitoring the transient deformation field. The specially designed system has 96 channels with a sampling rate up to 3, 400 samples/s/ch, and a resolution of less than 1με(micro strain)and continuous recording. We found some important phenomena by observing the temporal and spatial variation during the fault instability process and crack propagation process. The experiment on three typical stick-slip models shows that the evolution of the unstable fault stick-slip process has a relatively stable feature characterized by three typical phases(precursory slip, rapid slip incorporated with high-frequency strain vibration and terminal adjustment). Each phase has its own characteristics of duration, strain rate, frequency, amplitude and energy. The experimental results on the three-dimensional fault propagation model show that the coalescence of the bridge area occurs at the last stage and is a rapid process. The crack initiation occurs at several points which combine each other randomly. There is a stable period existing between the full propagation and coalescence and sample failure, and the duration time is several tens milliseconds. Multi-channel dynamic strain observation system fills the band gap of strain observation in rock mechanics experiments and earthquake simulation experiments. High-density and high-precision strain data can be obtained by this system, which can further promote the studies on the transient strain field evolution and the temporal and spatial process of strain wave and provide technical support for understanding the process from a slowly progressive deformation releasing to the sudden instability.