SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 1994, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 339-343.

• Brief Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles


Deng Qidong1, Yonekura Nobuyuki2, Xu Xiwei1, Yasuhiro Suzuke3, Wang Cunyu1, Takeuchi Akira4, Su Zongzheng5, Wang Yipeng1   

  1. 1. Institute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029, China;
    2. Department Of Geography, Gaduate School of Science, Univetsity of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113, Japan;
    3. Labaratory of Geosciences, Aichi Prefectural University, Nagoya, 467, Japan;
    4. Department of Geology, Toyama University, Toyama, 930, Japan;
    5. Seismological Bureau of Shanxi Province Taiyuan 030002, China
  • Received:1994-09-01 Revised:1994-10-01 Online:1994-12-07 Published:2009-11-25


邓起东1, 米仓伸之2, 徐锡伟1, 铃木康弘3, 王存玉1, 竹内章4, 苏宗正5, 汪一鹏1   

  1. 1. 国家地震局地质研究所, 北京 100029;
    2. 日本东京大学理学部地理学教室, 东京 113, 日本;
    3. 日本爱知县立大学地球科学实验室, 名古屋 167, 日本;
    4. 富山大学地质系, 富山 930, 日本;
    5. 山西省地震局, 太原 030002
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The northern piedmont fault of the Liuleng Mountain in the extentional region of the north-ern end of Shanxi graben system lies along the southern edge of Yangyuan basin and controls theorigin and development of the basin, It is a dip-slip normal fault, NEE-trending and N-dipping.Two moderate and large earthquake swarms (Ms=6.1, Ms=5.8) successively occurried alongthe fault in 1989 and 1991.The fault consists of a marginal faul of the basin (F1)and a newly formed fault(F2) cuttingthe late Pleistocene to Holocene alluvial deposits within the basin. The F1 and F2 faults form astepped fault zone along the northern piedmont and joint together into the western segment. Thefault activity is characterized by inheritant displacements. It cuts stream terraces of different agesand piedmont loess terraces, causing two basalt eruptions (K-Ar age of the basalt and TL age ofits underlying baked bed is 1.71±0.41Ma, 18.29±1.39~19.7±1.54×104a B.P. respectively). Later activity along the fault offset the basalt to form a 30~50m high scarp. At the middlesegment of the fault, F1 has been inactive since late Pleistocene,whereas newly formed fault F2 at 2~3km north of the edge of the basin has offset alluvial fan surface and stream terraces of different ages since late Quaternary. The eastern segment of the fault cuts the third terrace at thejunction of Sanggan and Huliu rivers and formed a 50~60m high scarp.Several topographic profiles across the scarps on different segments and un-coeval geomorphic surface were mapped to obtain vertical offset by using auto-level. Ages of the different geomorphic surfaces were determined by TL and 14C. Average vertical slip rate is 0.43~0.75mm/aduring the late Pleistocene to the Holocene. The age of the youngest layer cut by the fault is 0.76~0.86×104a B.P..

Key words: Shanxi plateau, Northern Liulengshan piedmont fault, Geomorphic surface, Slip rate

摘要: 六棱山北麓断裂是山西地堑系北端张性构造区中的一条控制性断裂,总体走向北东东、倾向北北西,是一条至今仍在活动的倾滑正断裂,控制阳原盆地的形成和发展。在1993年和1994年的中日合作研究中,我们对断裂分段特征进行了研究,并用Auto-level仪器对这一条断裂晚第四纪不同时期的断错地貌面的位错量进行了测量,对这些地貌面的年龄进行了测定,得到该断裂带晚更新世晚期至全新世时期的平均垂直滑动速率为0.43~0.75mm/a.

关键词: 山西高原, 六棱山北麓断裂, 地貌面, 滑动速率