SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 1994, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 389-403.

• Brief Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles


Deng Qidong1, Chen Shefa2, Zhao Xiaolin1   

  1. 1. Institute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029;
    2. China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Wuhan 430074
  • Received:1994-02-01 Revised:1994-10-01 Online:1994-12-07 Published:2009-11-25


邓起东1, 陈社发2, 赵小麟1   

  1. 1. 国家地震局地质研究所, 北京 100029;
    2. 中国地质大学, 武汉 430074
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The Longmenshan region inches the Longmenshan thrust belt,the western Sichuan foreland basin, the Longquanshan tectonic belt, and the Minshan uplift. The NE-trending Longmenshan thrust belt is composed of 4 major thusts and related napes, which form an extensive-compressive belt. The thrusting, mainly in a forward propagation style, started in the middle tolater part of Late Triassic and propagated from northwest to southeast. The Quaternary activity of the central and southern parts of the Longmenshan belt is stronger than the northern part.The western Sichuan foreland basin began to develop in the Late Triassic. The basin gradually retreated toward southwest since the late stage of Late Triassic, and the Quaternary deposition is limited on the Chengdu plain. The Longquanshan tectonic belt forms the eastern boundary of the foreland basin. It is a fault-propagation fold controlled by a master fault on its western margin.The NS-trending Minshan uplift northwest of the Longmenshan thrust belt is active since 2 Ma ago. The uplift is controlled by the Minjing and Huya faults, both with late Quaternary activities, on its western and eastern margins, respectively. The left-lateral slip rate of the Minjiang fault is about 1 mm/a. The Longmenshan thrust belt coincides with a steep gravity and magnetic gradient zone.The velocity structure and crustal thickness are very different on its northwestern and southeastern sides. There is a low velocity and high conductivity layer at a depth of 20 km on the west ofthe Longmenshan belt. The layer may be a detachment. Therefore, the Longmenshan belt maybe formed by a series of listric thrusts, and the wedges cut by the thrusts are thicker on the westand thinner on the east. The southern and central Longmenshan thrust belt and the Minshan uplift apparently control the seismicity in the region. This NE- to NS-trending seismic belt may be the active east-central margin of the Tibatan Plateau. Focal rnechanism solutions suggest that the principal compressive stress axis in the region trends NWW.The formation of the Longmenshan belt may be caused by the NW-SE directed compressionon the Songpan-Garze fold belt on the west. From Eocene to present, collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates caused southeastward movement of the western Sichuan block. This movementproduced a continuous compression on the Longmenshan belt. The movement of the westernSichuan block produced reverse faulting with left-lateral component on the boundary faults of the NS-trending Minshan uplift. The Quaternary activity in the northern part of Longmenshan beltis relatively weak due to the existence of the Minshan uplift.

Key words: Longmenshan Mountain, Minshan Mountain, Tectonics, Seismicity, Dynamics

摘要: 论述了龙门山推覆构造带、岷山隆起、成都平原和龙泉山地区的构造和地震活动,讨论了构造活动特点和演化历史,并分析了它们的形成机制和动力学问题。

关键词: 龙门山, 岷山, 构造活动, 地震活动, 动力学