SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2002, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 484-494.

• Brief Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles


HAN Zhu-jun, RAN Yong-kang, XU Xi-wei   

  1. Institute of Geology, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2002-08-21 Revised:2002-10-03 Online:2002-12-03 Published:2009-10-26


韩竹军, 冉勇康, 徐锡伟   

  1. 中国地震局地质研究所, 北京, 100029
  • 作者简介:韩竹军,男,1964年生,1997年中国地震局地质研究所构造地质学专业毕业,获博士学位,副研究员,现主要从事活动构造与地震危险性、危害性等方面的研究工作,电话:010-62009037,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Okada's(1992)elastic half-space theory is applied to calculate the surface displacement and the amount of differential displacement produced by buried active faults. The theory has been verified to some extent by the 1992 Landers earthquake, United State, the 1994 Northridge earthquake, United State, the 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan and the 1999 Izmit earthquake, Turkey. According to the criteria given in 《The Regulations of Seismic Design of Building》(GB50011-2001),the threshold value of differential displacement of buried seismogenic fault for producing surface rupture is estimated to be 0.1m for two adjacent points of 5m distance. This means that if the surface displacement produced by any buried fault is larger than 0.1m, then surface rupture zone will occur. If it is smaller than 0.1m, then the hazard that the buried fault may cause can be neglected. How the width and displacement of surface rupture zones vary with the buried depth, dip angle, motion mode and offset of the active fault is analyzed and discussed by applying the same theory and regulations. The results show that: 1)for buried normal fault, with increasing of the buried depth of the fault the width of surface rupture zones increases gradually to a peak value, and then decreases again. The point of peak value migrates toward the footwall of the fault(downfaulted block); 2)when the dip angle of the fault(normal fault)becomes small and the other parameters remain unchanged, the surface rupture zone will distribute mainly on the downfaulted block and the width becomes narrower; 3)as compared to the case of buried normal fault, the differential displacement produced by buried strike-slip fault attenuates more quickly when the buried depth of the fault becomes greater. It may imply that the normal fault is more risky; 4)the width and displacement of the surface rupture zone increase significantly with increasing displacement on the buried active fault. These primary results provide scientific basis for city planning and the seismic design of lifeline engineering and constructions across buried active faults. However, how to decide the threshold value of surface rupture and how to build up a more reasonable model for the middle and shallow crust need far more detailed study.

Key words: buried active fault, surface rupture zone, width

摘要: 采用Okada(1992)有关地震断层地表位移的计算方法和程序,依据<建筑抗震设计规范>(GB 500-2001),推导了隐伏活断层突然错动产生地表破裂带的临界值,即在相隔5m的水平上,位移差超过0.1m.初步讨论了隐伏活断层地表破裂带随埋深、倾角、断裂力学性质和断面位错量的变化特点.结果表明:对于隐伏正断层,地表破裂带宽度随覆盖层埋深的增加表现出非线性特点,具有从小到大,再变小的特点;地表破裂带位错量峰值随埋深线性递减.在其他参数不变的情况下,隐伏正断层倾角越小,地表破裂带越偏向下盘,并且,地表破裂带的宽度也变小.与隐伏正断层相比,隐伏走滑断层地表位移差随埋深衰减更快.随着隐伏活断层断面上位错量的增加,地表破裂带宽度会显著变宽,位错量也随之增大.这些认识和计算结果为城市规划、各种生命线工程和建(构)筑物的跨断层设防,提供了可以参考的依据.

关键词: 隐伏活断层, 地表破裂带, 宽度

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