地震地质 ›› 2002, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 69-80.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王绳祖, 张流   

  1. 中国地震局地质研究所, 中国地震局构造物理开放实验室, 北京, 100029
  • 收稿日期:2001-01-11 修回日期:2001-06-26 出版日期:2002-03-06 发布日期:2009-10-26
  • 作者简介:王绳祖,男,1933年出生,毕业于北京矿业学院采矿工程系,研究员,主要从事地球动力学与构造物理学及地震预测方法研究,电话:010-62009060,E-mail:shengzuwang@263.net.
  • 基金资助:


WANG Sheng-zu, ZHANG Liu   

  1. Institute of Geology & Laboratory of Tectonophysics, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2001-01-11 Revised:2001-06-26 Online:2002-03-06 Published:2009-10-26

摘要: 文中所述华北地区位于中东亚塑性流动网络系统的东部(偏北),在岩石圈下层内含右向和左向塑性流动网带多条,受其控制,在其上方多震层内形成地震带,并导致上层构造应力场在总趋势上与下层基本保持一致.发震断裂以不同交角沿网带展布,组成地震构造带,其中少数地震构造带的视成熟度较高,多数尚属未成熟的准地震构造带.

关键词: 塑性流动网络, 构造应力场, 地震带, 地震构造带, 视成熟度, 华北

Abstract: The tectonic stress field and seismic tectonics in the North China region are investigated in terms of the "plastic-flow network and multi-layered tectonic deformation" model for continental dynamics. It is presented in the model that in consideration of the basic state of the transition of deformation regime from brittle to ductile with increase of the depth, the lithosphere is divided into several tectonic deformation layers, i.e. the ductile lower lithosphere (including the lower crust and lithospheric mantle) with netlike plastic-flow and the brittle upper lithosphere (including seismogenic layer and the shallow crust) with shear and tensile fractures, as well as the transitional layers (i.e. low-velocity / high-conductivity layers) discontinuously distributed between those mentioned above; the long-range transmission of driving force applying at continental plate boundary is carried out mainly by the netlike plastic-flow in the lower lithosphere, which controls intraplate tectonic stress field, tectonic deformation and seismic activities; the plastic-flow network, which is composed of two families of plastic-flow belts (i.e. ductile shear belts) intersecting each other, can be referred to as a "slip-line" network developed under large deformation condition. The previous study indicates that the plastic-flow network system developed under the compression at the Himalayan driving boundary spreads over a broad area in central-eastern Asia. The North China region discussed in this paper is located in the northeast part of this network system. The directions of the maximum compressive stresses in the lower lithosphere can be estimated from the lines bisecting conjugate angles of the network. Comparing these directions with those in the seismogenic layer inferred using focal-mechanism solutions, it is shown that both of them are identical with each other in general tendency, indicating that the stress field in the upper layer is controlled by that in the lower layer; meanwhile, the directions of the stress vectors in the seismogenic layer tend to deviate to some extent from the general tendency owing to the influences of local factors and estimation errors. It is emphasized that large-scale seismic belts are in fact a response to and manifestation of the plastic-flow belts in the lower lithosphere, while the large-scale seismotectonic zones in the seismogenic layer and shallow crust are controlled by the underlying plastic-flow belts. There are 6 left-handed and 6 right-handed plastic-flow belts involved in the region studied and, correspondingly, the seismotectonic zones upon them are progressively developing with different apparent maturity, Λ, i.e. the ratio of the length occupied by seismic faults to the general length of the corresponding segment of the zone. A seismotectonic zone is considered to be "mature" when the Λ-value is greater than or approximate to 0.8, such as the Yuncheng-Datong zone (i.e. Shanxi zone), Luoyang-Sanhe zone (or called Cixian-Xingtai-Sanhe zone) and Zhangjiakou-Penglai zone. On the contrary, the previously-active fault zones may transit to be quiescent since they depart from the plastic-flow belts, such as the Tancheng-Lujiang and Changdong fault zones. The analysis of 6 cases of deep-shallow combinations of seismotectonics indicates that the crossing angles between strikes of seismic faults and shallow faults in the region studied are not greater than 6.3°~8.1°, implying that the former can be inferred roughly from the latter; most of seismic faults cross the related plastic-flow belts with small angles, being the longitudinal-type faults, while a few of seismic faults with large angles, being the lateral-type; the horizontal-sliding angle of seismic faults (i.e. the angle included between the directions of the maximum compressive stress and the normal to fault strike) ranges from 44.2° to 65.7°, which are suitable for strike-slip.

Key words: Plastic-flow network, Tectonic stress field, Seismic belt, Seismotectonic zone, Apparent muturity, North China
